The UK charity for Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia – a rare type of blood cancer
Support Line: 0300 373 8500

Introducing our new Chair of Trustees

Introducing our new Chair of Trustees

We’re delighted to announce that Charles Lilley has agreed to take on the role of WMUK’s new Chair of our Board of Trustees.

 Many of you will already be familiar with Charles as he has been a trustee of the charity since October 2022, but he’s been key in the recent developments of the Rory Morrison Registry and an all-round champion of how data can help us to enhance patient outcomes for WMers.

 This is because Charles is not only a fellow WMer, having been diagnosed with WM in 2019, but he’s also an expert in health I.T. gained from multiple senior positions across the NHS, major consulting operations, including KPMG and Deloitte, and several C-suite positions of private healthcare focused companies here in the UK. This experience has seen him being asked to advise a serving Prime Minister on social inclusion and the Cabinet Office on modernising government. 

We were fortunate to have a Trustee of Charles’ calibre and even more so now as Chair. This is particularly important as we continue to build on our approach to how data and our very own Rory Morrison Registry, can play a key part in how WMers manage their WM and how we seek to find new treatments. 

Upon agreeing to take on the Chair, Charles had this to say; “To be able to take on a role like this is something quite special for me. To bring all my years of practical experience and knowledge to bear to help not just me, but fellow WMers find ways to live well with this disease and potentially treatments and a cure, is humbling to say the least!” 

So our thanks to Charles for stepping into the shoes of the Chair at such an important time for the charity and the WM community. You’ll be hearing more from him on the exciting plans we have for the RMR in the coming months.