One very simple act could help improve WM treatment and care: wearing a smartwatch.
We’re looking for patients to take part in WM & ME, WMUK’s ground-breaking study to improve treatment options and care.
Patients at all stages in their WM journey (newly diagnosed, on active monitoring, on treatment, in a clinical trial or in palliative care) can apply to take part.
How does it work?
Patients receive a FREE smart watch which will work in tandem with an app on their phone to record their daily symptoms and general health.
It doesn’t matter if they’ve never worn a smart watch or used an app before, it’s really easy. Our partners at Sanius Health are specialists who build platforms that collect and analyse patient data to improve outcomes. They’ll get patients set up and will be on hand to answer any questions.
The smartwatch will give patients immediate readings on things like heart rate, sleep and activity. Meanwhile, the app will provide an easy way to log symptoms, medication information and appointments.
All in all, these insights will help patients manage their own care and have more informed conversations with your healthcare team.
The study will officially launch at the European WM Patient Summit on 21 October, where you’ll be able to ask questions, learn more and even see the watches for yourself. Tickets are still available to the event.
Wide-reaching impact
The personal benefits should be evident immediately, but the impact is much, much bigger. The information recorded by the watches and apps will be anonymously collected and analysed by a team of researchers and clinicians.
They’ll use it to better understand WM, how treatments affect patients and the disease, and their quality of life. With just 4,000 people in the UK with a WM diagnosis, this information is gold dust.
It’s this level of insight that will help to transform care going forward and improve the lives of everyone living with and impacted by WM.
Places are limited
Register your interest so you’ll be among the first to know about the study when it officially opens later this month.
Patients can register their interest at The webpage also has all sorts of extra information about what’s involved and how the study will be managed.
It’s vital that people with WM are put at the heart of care and treatment improvement. WM & Me is just one way that we’re ensuring patients’ voices are heard, and that changes to care make a meaningful impact on their quality of life.