If you’re struggling with heating bills this winter, WMUK is here to help
As a charity, we’re here to help the WM community in whatever way you need. That’s why, this week we’re launching the WMUK Winter Fuel Fund to help anyone with a WM or LPL diagnosis who is struggling to pay heating bills this winter.
In 2023, we launched the Patient Financial Assistance Fund to help those struggling in the cost of living crisis. We know there was some discussion about grants not being means tested and whether it was the right thing to do. We believe it was, and that we should continue to help people again, in light of the changes in eligibility for the government’s Winter Fuel Payment.
Our charitable objects state that we are there to support the WM community through ‘the provision, in particular but not exclusively, of financial assistance, information, support, education and practice advice.’ This means one of our functions is to provide financial support to people with WM whenever we can.
We know this does rely on human nature and people doing the right thing by applying only if there is genuine need, but that is the basis for all our interactions as a charity. We believe that the act of admitting the need – and reaching out – for help takes strength in itself, and we want to be there for the people that do this.
If you are struggling with your heating bills this year, were born on or before 22 September 1958, and have a confirmed diagnosis of WM or LPL then please apply here.
Our pot of money is limited so applications will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis. Each successful applicant will receive a one-off £200 grant. Please allow up to four weeks for approval and payment of the grant, as we’re a small team.
In addition to the Winter Fuel Fund, we will be providing funds for travel assistance to our four regional patient summits this year. So, if you’re thinking of coming but the travel cost is getting in the way, please know we’ll be there to help – more details coming in February.
A huge thank you to the collective power of the WM community. You’re the ones that hold each other up; we’re here to support you as a community and raise the WM voice. The funds made available for the grants are from our fundraising efforts, but not the Big Give campaign.
Please find more information, including the application form and terms and conditions on the link below